Friday, January 14, 2011

Article 4

Proposition 187: California

In the 90’s, Californians took their plea and fight against illegal immigration to the ballot box and voted yes for Proposition 187.  Although the courts ruled the proposition unconstitutional, here is a sum of what it entailed:
 “The measure would: Ban children who are in the country illegally from attending public schools. Prevent publicly funded social service agencies and hospitals from providing services to illegal immigrants except in emergencies. Require health care facilities, police and sheriff's departments, schools and social service agencies to report suspected illegal immigrants to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and the state attorney general. Make it a felony under state law to manufacture, sell or use phony citizenship documents. The crime would be punishable by five years in state prison or by a $75,000 fine” (The Sunday Oregonian, Sept. 18, 1994).,%201994
Today, whether you are an illegal or legal immigrant, you are allowed to utilize citizen services. Also today, the costs of these services have skyrocketed. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), it costs the U.S. “$113 billion a year – an average of $1,117 for every ‘native-headed’ household in America” (Barnes, 2010). Some may wonder why this is fair to the average taxpaying citizens who is forced into supporting the illegal immigrants when they can barely support their own families.

Barnes, E. (2010). Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds. Retrieved from

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