Friday, January 14, 2011

I'm Taking a Side

My Final Blog on WHERE DO I STAND?
I have tried with my blog to bring about fair argument regarding immigration. As we know, America is, and always will be a land of immigration. The question is what type of immigrant will occupy our land; Legal or illegal?
Although I feel for the plight of illegal immigrants and all they have gone through to be in America, they have partaken in a dishonest act, and have broken the law. Although I feel for the children of illegal immigrants, and understand why they feel the way they do regarding the DREAM Act, my legal, American child is suffering from educating illegal immigrant children at this time.
California has faced tremendous budget cuts; from music, art, physical education, sports, and basic paper needs. With California supplying free education to illegal immigrants, costing about $7.7 billion per year as reported in 2004, why is this fair that it comes at the price of my son’s P.E. and music class?
Regarding crime: “illegal immigrants made up a disproportionate share of the state prison populations in California” ( There is not much more to say about this issue.
It doesn’t really matter why I believe the way I do; I just believe that illegal immigration is against the law and wrong. From the very moment an illegal immigrant steps on the soil of America, he tells us through his actions that he does not care about our laws; so why should we care about his rights?

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