Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Text Assignment 2 / Part 2

Immigration: Not all iconic immigration movement people are anti-immigration and many iconic people are better known within a particular state.
Stop or lower immigration-
§  Jack Harper-- Proposed an Arizona bill in 2007 that would create a state militia to guard the Arizona state’s border, but it was vetoed by Napolitano at the time. More recently, Mr. Harper has revised the bill and will be presenting the bill again for approval. The bill creates a volunteer based militia, under the supervision of the National Guard, to protect and guard Arizona’s state border with Mexico.
§  Dick Mountjoy—Creator of Proposition 187 in California that stated illegal aliens would not be eligible to obtain education, public paid health care, cash assistance, INS needs to be aware of illegal aliens and the usage of false documents is a crime. The provision was passed by the voters, but a federal judge declared it unconstitutional and blocked it (http://migration.ucdavis.edu/mn/more.php?id=492_0_2_0). The passing of this proposition created much unrest and protest.
§  Minuteman—The Minuteman is a “National Citizen Neighborhood Watch” group who make it their job to secure the American Border (http://www.minutemanhq.com/hq/aboutus.php). They participate in protests and lobbying.
§  Russell Pearce—Author of S.B. 1070. His position is that Americans must stand up and enforce the rule of law and that it is the duty of Arizona to protect their legal citizens (http://www.russellpearce.com/).
§  Betterimmigration.com— This community is for lowering immigration numbers in the U.S. and keeps tabs of immigration legal positions. For instance, they post votes on bills that affect immigration law and discuss immigration law.
§  Tea Party—The newer kids on the block. The Tea Party movement has come on strong during the last election. Tea Partiers are anti-illegal immigrants and feel that it violates the law of the land. Tea Party supporters protest against the DREAM Act and were successful in the act’s defeat.
In the middle of things and worthy of mentioning--
§  Tom Horne- Supports Bill 1070 and has a strong voice when dealing with issues that immigrants face and American’s face by having immigrants living on the land; since it is mandatory to educate them. Prior State Superintendent of Schools in Arizona and now Arizona’s next Attorney General is an iconic face on the fight for defending Arizona and keeping limits to immigration policy and education rights. Mr. Horne is a firm believer that immigrants should incorporate themselves into American society and that America should not have to alter their principles to adhere to immigrants desires and learning preferences. Mr. Horne has fought bi-lingual education and wants to expose the real truth behind the ethnic studies that has been taking place. Mr. Horne argues that radical professors are teaching Mexican students that Americans are occupiers of Mexico’s land, and that Americans are the oppressors and should be overthrown.

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