Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Text Assignment 2 / Part 3

Who framed the immigration movement?
I think the first big amnesty bill of 1986, signed by Ronal Reagan, was one of the largest movements in immigration. Back then, President Reagan granted amnesty to illegal aliens who had entered the U.S. prior to 1982. The number of illegal immigrants who qualified for this amnesty was about 3 million illegal’s. The goal at the time was to clean up the illegal immigrant situation, and enforce our federal laws from then on out. The sad story today is that the projected number of illegal immigrants today is over 12 million and that the previous 1986 amnesty did nothing to clean up the problem; it has only gotten worse. The federal government has failed to protect our borders. This is one of the main reasons Arizona passed S.B. 1070, and Jack Harper is writing a bill for Arizona to have the state enact its own state volunteer militia whose goal will be to protect the border and be a watchdog.
The salient characteristics of the anti-illegal immigration movement are mainly white American, and Conservatives. Liberals share the view of open borders like libertarians do. Although white American’s may be a slight majority of those who fight against illegal immigration, all races and ethnicities cross the boundaries. There are many Mexican-Americans who have traveled to America through legal channels that are upset with illegal aliens who have broken the laws of America. In addition, many citizens feel and argue that illegal’s refuse to assimilate in America and that their loyalty remains with Mexico; this is upsetting to citizens. Many argue that if immigrants are coming to America for a better life and free education, that illegal immigrants should appreciate the American way of life better and show respect by sporting the American flag and not the Mexico flag.
Anti-illegal immigration voices come from all walks of life, all races, all socioeconomics, and all religions. Although the biggest problem for California, Arizona and Texas is Mexican illegal immigrants, there are many Mexicans who take a tough stance to follow the law. When it comes to socioeconomics, it goes across the board; rich, poor, and middle class. Middle class and poor may be more affected by the influx of illegals than the rich class. When it comes to religion, it seems that more Christians tend to follow the anti-immigrant movement more than Catholics.   
Teenagers are the most recent disenfranchised group at the cost of immigration. Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, I remember when high school students worked at the local McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Jack-in-the-Box. Nowadays, these jobs are filled by immigrants who work these jobs to support families. They are often identified as the working poor. They work 40 hour weeks, if they can get the shifts, but live from check to check and are a few days away from financial disaster. I think it is a shame that American teenagers have this unfair battle to face in Southern California.
This issue affects so many different people. It affects companies, hospitals, welfare, government, American workers, students, teachers, and too many others to mention. I do not think this movement could be framed any different to be more inclusive to a particular group per se, but I do know that Conservatives take the hardest stance on the issue and are more united in the fight against illegal immigration.
I think the college students are going to pay the highest price in the anti-illegal movement; in my opinion when it gets defeated. Many college students take a liberal stance and have a lot of voting power. I think that if every college student voted for amnesty type laws and it passed (because they hold such high voting numbers), America would be infiltrated with poor, uneducated illegal immigrants who will have to be supported and subsidized throughout the coming years. Many immigrants live on subsidies and who will end up paying for these subsidies? College graduates now who will be earning a living later. Food for thought anyways.


  1. I think illegal immigration is a huge problem in Arizona. I have worked in environments where there are illegal immigrants who send money across the border to their families, and I found it interesting when you mentioned how illegal immigrants do not give America respect even though they are here to make a better life for their families. In retrospect, I can understand your statement quite well.
    Also, I consider myself more on the liberal side of the political spectrum, although I have not officially declared a party. I really think illegal immigration needs to stop and favor what SB 1070 is doing.
    College students will end up paying the highest price in the anti-illegal movement except I don't think it would be because of their voting power. My age group has a historically low percentage of voters, which is surprising considering how opinionated many of them are. If these immigrants aren't able to pay for insurance and things of the like, it will be me making up for it in the long term.

  2. Hey Lynlea,
    What I was trying to say about college students and voting power is 'if they used their voting power' they could stop any amnesty most likely. I feel the college student has a powerful vote but fails to utilize it. And, since they fail to use it, there are laws that will pass that will affect them when they are older, with families, and a full tax paying citizen.

    Goodwin and Jasper (2009) were talking about the fact that the youth (college age) is a good group to target because of the social network which can fuel a movement. There are thousands and thousands of students, but as you said, they don't generally vote.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. When it comes to students and voting college campuses tend to sway more liberal no matter what state you are in. Professors are supposed to teach you things from the book and not their opinions, but its not that way. Students go to school with an open mind with the hope to learn different things. Unfortunately teachers, weather they realize it or not, tend to preach their beliefs and not show you the other side. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been shut down or kicked out of classes cause I’ve played devils advocate with my teachers, and what I’ve learned is most don’t like to be challenged. As a result students tend to sway towards the teacher’s ways and learn that way so they get a better grade in the class.

    Now with that off my chest, I think what law makers don’t realize (more liberal law makers) is that they feel if there is an issue just throw money at it. They felt there was an issue with health care so what did they do they threw money at it. Instead of enforcing immigration laws they give the illegal’s free health care and education and other government funded programs. With our national debt in the trillions I don’t see where we have the money to do this anymore. I’m sorry but when we barely have enough money to support American citizens we shouldn’t be supporting people who are breaking the law everyday by being hear illegally. I’m sorry I know that sounds harsh but it’s the truth.

  5. CONT Part 2/2:

    When Janet Napolitano went to the border a few months ago she made a comment that upset me. This is not an exact quote but she said that this administration has secured the border better that it has ever been. Wow is she serious? I’ve done ride alongs with border town police and sheriff departments and I can tell you first had its not safe. I’ve been shot at by drug cartels. I’ve seen thousands of pounds of dope get caught and I’ve seen multiple trucks get stolen at the beginning of the shift and then found at the end after its done multiple dope loads and a pursuit that endangered the lives of countless people. Very secure isn’t it? Ok when it comes to people who say that most immigrants are here to make a better life for themselves and hey I don’t doubt that, but a lot do commit crimes as well. I’ve worked in retail loss prevention since September 2010, and already I’ve deported over 12 people for shoplifting one of which tried to shoot me over a pair of ugg boots. I understand that’s a small number of people but it still wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t enter the country illegally.

    Maybe I’m just rambling and maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but there is an immigration process for a reason. By granting people amnesty with out doing a proper background inspection we don’t know who we are letting in. S.B. 1070 was a great start to enforcing federal laws that the government refused to enforce. But the government was afraid to be shown up by a state and did everything in its power to shut it down and they made Arizona seem like a racist state. I don’t know about you but I have lived in Arizona my whole life, I have friends from all different races and religions and I supported S.B. 1070, heck a lot of my Hispanic friends supported S.B. 1070 but they were never shown on the news. Immigration is a huge issue and I feel that the government is trying to cover it up because they are slowly realizing the mistakes they have made by not securing our border.

  6. Hey Matt,

    Sorry to feel that you have been silenced by some of your professors; it does not seem fair and one would think that they would thrive on the debate.

    When you speak of government throwing money at problems, I agree. They do and always will. The Republicans were just as bad a few years ago; unfortunately.

    One argument that is brought up by pro-illegal immigrant advocates is that illegal immigrants pay taxes when they earn a check and that we are dependent on that money. It is also argued that if it were to stop that the economy would suffer. I think the truth may be different. I think the truth is that illegal immigrants steal social security numbers and as they work, they claim 10 dependents so they get about 100% of their check back each week and do not pay taxes. At least I remember this happening about ten years ago.

    Janet Napolitano is a crazy choice for homeland security; I don’t get it. She also vetoed the last Arizona Militia Bill that Jack Harper brought forth in 2007. It will be interesting to see what Brewer does with it. I think she might pass it.

    Wow, being shot at doesn’t sound fun. Did you watch that video I posted on this blog? I bet it is a familiar scene for you. Illegals were just coming across the border in droves. It is frightening, if you ask me.
